
Saturday 3 June 2017

Public Service announcement - Lost and found Malaysian International Passport belong to Miss Nalini Dewi Ramachandran

Please make this message viral and the poor girl can collect her passport from the good man En Harris who have found it and keep it for the girl to collect it

Passport of Ms Nalini "lost & found" @ Petronas, Lingkaran Dalam. Kindly contact En. Harris: 0137904224.

Public Service announcement - Kalaichelvi A/P Nadarajan have got a full scholarship to study at University Malaysia and cannot locate her

Please make this viral and hope it reaches the deserving girl so that she can make use of the full scholarship to study at University Malaysia

ISIS Abandon Capital City Of "Raqqa", US Playing Dirty

Things are coming to a head in Syria. The ISIS have been chased out of their 'self declared' capital of Raqqa in Syria.

Who will fill the vacuum? The US wants to help the Kurds create an independent Kurdish state in Syria.

The Syrian government with Russian assistance wants to reimpose Syrian rule over all its territories.

My view is after the ISIS are kicked out, new fighting will erupt between the different groups who want to control Syria. Here is some news :

1.  ISIS Leave Raqqa, Cross Euphrates

ISIS militants cross Euphrates in Syria from stronghold of Raqqa
despite being encircled by Kurdish and US-led coalition forces

SDF, US, UK, French special forces "blocked" Raqqa from north
SDF stopped offensive, ruptures in encirclement
ISIS cross Euphrates to southern direction of Syria

Russian do utmost to prevent ISIS breaking through from Raqqa

first ISIS convoy from Raqqa to Palmyra destroyed by Russian Air Force May 25
IS made another attempt on May 29 to 30
3 motorcades left Raqqa under darkness
destroyed 80 jihadists, 36 vehicles, eight fuel trucks and 17 pickup trucks

There are serious accusations that the US is "slowing" down the eviction of ISIS until their allies are in position to take territory vacated by ISIS :

2.  Double Game: ‘US Secretly Supports ISIS in Raqqa’

US actively supports SDF in Raqqa but secretly endorses ISIS
cooperation between these forces under US control
US has destroyed all bridges across Euphrates
intention to liberate Raqqa
next stage before establishing Kurdish state
Kurdish state will border oil fields of Syria

SDF are main allies of US and ISIS
ISIS are American soldiers in local clothes
US is coordinating between ISIS and SDF
agreements concluded under strict guidance of US

when US tell ISIS to leave they leave unconditionally
vacating a spot for another American ally

US can destroy ISIS within 24 hours
US weapons transfers to Kurdish (YPG) to consternation of NATO ally Turkey
Kurdish fighters recipients of US arms and vehicles to take Raqqa

Conclusion : The ISIS terrorists will be heading for home, to create more killing and chaos in their home countries.   The fighting in Syria will continue. Nothing much will have been achieved.
Posted by Syed Akbar Ali at 3:14:00 PM No comments:  
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Nama Tak Kafir Tapi Bodoh Macam Tapir By Dean Kadeer
Someone sent this to me. I dont know who this writer is (Dean Kadeer) or if it is a real person but the points are interesting.

Ana dah malas nak cerita pasal benda lapuk ni, tapi sebab otak Melayu masih kat celah jub_r,  so ana ulang lagi sekali.

Lagipun ana prihatin dgn isu nama anak yang kedengaran macam nama "kafir", ramai Melayu yang sentap bila tengok nama anak orang Melayu macam mat saleh, lalu dikeluarkan fatwa nama sebegitu "tak sesuai",  tak Islamik kononnya.  Puii..!!

Pelik betul otak orang Melayu ni.  Bodoh sebesar Alam.  Katanya Jesus tu Nabi Isa, dalam Bible namanya Jesus, dalam Quran namanya Isa.  Perkataan Jesus pun berasal dari Hebrew,  ada yang sebut Yeshua.  Kalau Melayu pakai nama Jesus,  takkan jadi kapir pulak.  Kebanyakan nabi dalam Quran ada nama "kafir" mereka dalam Bible. Moses jadi Musa, Harun jadi Aaron, Ibrahim jadi Abraham, Jacob jadi Yaakob, Ishak jadi Isaac.  Kalau Melayu letak nama anak Isaac Newton,  tak Islamik ke?  (campuran nama Nabi dan tokoh fizik - tak bagus lagi?)

Nama sahabat nabi iaitu Umar Al Khattab sewaktu dia kafir ialah Umar. Selepas convert masuk Islam,  dia tak tukar nama jadi Najib atau Tengku Adnan.  Dia tetap guna nama Umar. Nama Abu Bakar As Siddiq sewaktu kafir ialah Abdul Ka'bah, selepas masuk Islam namanya ditukar menjadi Abdullah.  Gelaran Abu Bakar diberi oleh nabi kerana maksud Abu Bakar ialah "bersegera"  (masuk Islam).

Dua contoh nama tersebut ana tunjuk sebab mereka sahabat yang rapat dengan Nabi Muhammad. Umar tak tukar pun nama untuk nampak Islamik walaupun sudah Islam, walhal Umar kaki bunuh orang sewaktu kafir.  Dia tetap pakai nama Arab kafir.  Tak salah pulak.  Nabi tak bising pun.  Sikit pun tak jadi isu.

Nama Abu Bakar pulak  sewaktu kafir dah "Islamik"sungguh iaitu Abdul Ka'bah tapi kenapa tukar jadi Abdullah?  Patutnya teruskan guna nama Abdul Ka'bah,  tempat suci orang Islam.

Morale of the story,  nabi tak ambik pot pun nama Umar yang tak bertukar tu. Sepatutnya nabi suruh Umar guna nama "Muhammad Ibrahim" atau nama lain yang lebih Islamik  (kononnya).  Nama Abdul Ka'bah ditukar jadi Abdullah mungkin sesuai atas sifat dan jatidiri Abu Bakar sewaktu itu,  bukan sebab nama Abdul Ka'bah tak Islamik.  Nama Kaabah takkan tak Islamik kot?

Ini bukan persoalan besar, tapi contoh kebodohan Melayu dalam memahami teks2 agama.  Mereka suka memperbesarkan benda2 yang kecik jadi senjata memecah belahkan keharmonian sesama manusia.  Mereka cuma mahu tunjuk kepada dunia "Kami Islam,  kami guna nama Islam".  What the f_ _k?!

Mamang ada riwayat, nabi menggesa meletakkan nama yang "baik" kepada anak2, tapi bukan nama Arab. Janganlah jadi bodoh sangat.  Tak wujud isu "Nama Islam", sebab dalam Quran disebut "manusia dijadikan berbagai bangsa untuk berkenal-kenalan",  meaning nama manusia wujud atas dasar tempat, bahasa, budaya, keturunan dan bangsa.  Kalau Red Indian Islam,  takkan nak bubuh nama anak  Sitting Bull Khalid atau Ismail Crazy Horse.  Confirm kena gelak dengan cowboy kafir.  LOL

Akuilah, beratus juta pemakai nama "Muhammad" diseluruh dunia yang sudah masuk jel keluar jel,  yg makan rasuah,  yg sapu duit rakyat,  yg pecah amanah dll.

Dan kenapa pemakai nama "kafir" lebih maju ke hadapan berbanding pemakai nama "Islamik"?

Mana berkat nama "Islamik" tu?

So Melayu,  fikir guna otak,  bukan guna dot dot dot...

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