
Thursday 27 April 2017


PAS is finished and Pakatan Harapan needs to move forward. PAS is a liability to BN-UMNO and both are fighting for the bottom 20% voters; the top 80% is already going to vote Pakatan Harapan. Advise to Pakatan Harapan do not spoil your chances wining the GE/PRU 14 by associating with PAS as the top 80% voters will punish PH by staying at home. PAS are already goners and BN-UMNO knows too well. BN-UMNO are regretting for getting PAS away from PH  as PAS in PH can do greater damage to PH and and will be doing BN-UMNO a favour. Milk is spilled and no point for BN-UMNO and AS to cry about this spill milk

ALOR SETAR – PAS is still prepared to work with DAP and Amanah provided the latter parties accept the “leadership of Islam”, PAS spiritual leader Hashim Jasin said today.

The Islamist party fell out with DAP over the former’s push for Islamic law, while Amanah consists largely of former PAS members who left after the so-called “progressive” faction was purged in an internal election.


“The door is still open, it is not completely closed. Only that we learn from past experiences and we put certain conditions,” Hashim said during a press conference after launching the PAS Muslimat wing’s annual assembly (Muktamar) here today.

Hashim also said PAS was not insistent that the prime minister or Cabinet members must come from the party in the event it takes federal power, only that the administration adheres to Islam.

– Malay Mail

How the filthy rich Melayus live it up !!! - from the Blog Suara Kmp

Whilst soldiers and police get maimed, bleed and die for our country, the ordinary people try to scrape a living to put food on the table. 

Attended a dinner party at a super posh KL residence last night.

Excellent cuisine, interesting conversation . . . the usual spectacle of the gouty Old Rich shuffling with latest trophy spouse in hand . . . and glazed-eyed OKBs bedecked with honorifics from glorified potentates arriving in their sleek limos and pimped supercars rolling on custom forged wheels – Forgiato and Savini and Nutek and Lexani – costing more than the average sedan.

The mealtime merriment was true to form . . . the ebullient hosts and exuberant guests indulging in joyous laughter as servants served a smörgåsbord of delectable hors d'oeuvres and apéritifs spread across the huge Burmese teak main table . . . followed by wickedly decadent main dishes and finished off with a giddy selection of sumptuous desserts as guests' palates are tantalized with the seductive flavors of a dozen of the world's best coffees.

The hosts' two teenage kids made a cameo. They nonchalantly waded through the sea of glitzy silk and ravishing songket and glittering jewelry and other ostentatious accoutrements of wealth and headed my way (incorrectly guessing En. KijangMas must be a character of social significance, ha ha . . . ). One lightly kissed my hand while his sis curtsied with the obligatory bashfulness . . . reflective of their Malay upper crust upbringing . . . and after a fleeting moment of pleasantries, jumped into separate million ringgit sports cars and sped off from the family mansion onto the twisty streets as they roared downhill into KL's vibrant nightlife.

After some small talk with an arms dealer and a gentleman of leisure, grabbed a cup of good coffee – it's full bodied caramelly fruitiness reminiscent of my own Lampung special blend – and planted myself in a supercomfy armchair. Began to observe the dynamics of this crowd . . . an eclectic collection of KL's moneyed class and their retinue of fawning sycophants and hangers-on. One guy that I've known since Standard Four now runs a multi-billion ringgit conglomerate. We were in many overseas trade missions led by the former PM . . . yes, the elder statesman now heinously maligned by the same discredited mainstream media that in years past scrambled head over heals to outdo one another in praising him. Another character, now in his seventies, gave Ferraris to each of his kids on their 17th birthdays. And another guest, a well-known banking personality, gave his son a Porsche Carrera on the kid's 15th birthday, took over the wheel on the old Seremban Highway, and duly crashed it, breaking his leg . . . and some of his pride. And yet another now super duper rich tycoon actually met me over two decades ago when he was an ambitious fledgling cattle farmer.

Eavesdropped on the various conversations. Mostly superficial chatter insulated from the many issues and challenges faced by the ordinary Rakyat out there. No complaints about the maneuverings of the thieving rascals to keep the loot that will ultimately be underwritten by the Rakyat's sweat and no mention of their multitude of lies and trickeries to avoid slammer time; no thoughts on the economic hardships faced by the common folk; no real comprehension of the ever growing economic gap between the Haves and the Have Nots; no concern of the Lost Decade for the Middle Class, where real income has been stagnant or fallen backward, purchasing power shrunk and wealth accumulation including home ownership reduced to a pipe dream.

All I hear are pricey health spa trips, exotic vacations, maid problems, inattentive spouses, insolent kids . . . and supercars, superbikes, superstars, supermodels, superstitions, superstructure, supercharger, supermarket and superstore . . . in all their puke inducing superfluous superficial goriness.
As I struggled to hold in the broiled bison balls stuffed with seared foie gras, diced truffle and poached matsutake and tangerine, along came a profound epiphany . . . a sudden and striking realization:-
These people are entrenched beneficiaries of the present system . . . . not unlike the super rich of late Marcos Era Philippines.
Welcome to the Malay Privileged Class.
Fabulously wealthy oligarchs and cronies sustained by political patronage . . . recipients of rewards and favors from THE patron and his ruling clique in exchange for support and loyalty and generosity when needed for their common cause . . . lapping up the rich spoils of public office, overpaid GLC posts, direct nego contracts, subsidies, concessions, permits, special tax breaks, government grants and the whole shebang of super-lucrative Lubangs and Jalans. Textbook crony capitalism beyond the wildest imaginings of the average Rakyat.

Indeed, these people have an interest in the perpetuation of the current regime, continuation of the existing racket intractably linking the political and business elites and their vast ecosystem of cukongs and runners and fronts and proxies. They will not rock the boat, demand reforms, fight injustice, strive for regime change . . . heck, they are the beneficiaries of the present system . . . sharing the spoils of plunder, the largess of patronage.
Now . . .

Why should we wonder when members of this Malay Privileged Class fight tooth and nail to prop the current regime, including in the social media? It is their livelihood, their rice bowl, the economic foundation of their way of life . . . of lavish homes, flashy cars, flashier superbikes, jetsetting vacations, designer clothes, decadent dinner parties, private schools . . . and handbags, lots and lots of handbags.

So next time a son of a Tan Sri or children of current and ex top civil servants or relatives or offspring of ruling politicians vehemently albeit incoherently defend the excesses of the ruling clique, understand that they are actually defending themselves, their lifestyle, their wealth, their material wants . . . their hopes and ambition and dreams, all steadfastly calibrated to the machinations of the current system of patronage and preference to those of their ilk.

These mollycoddled members of the Malay Privileged Class are typical of entrenched elites in crumbling regimes. They will go to any extreme to perpetuate incumbent rule that have enriched them all these years. These people don't care about the socio-political and economic trajectory of Malaysia, or the future of the Malay masses, or the need for a vibrant democracy underpinned by rule of law and accountability . . . all hallmarks of true patriotism. Talking about being patriotic, these people are "patriotic" only towards themselves and their personal causes as reflected in their willingness to support a corrupt clique that borrowed and plundered their way to an intoxicating cocktail of power and wealth . . . in the process increasing our nation's Total Gross External Debt to RM908.7 billion by end 2016. That is over ONE HUNDRED FOLD more than just twenty years ago, and will push towards the One Trillion Ringgit mark by end 2017.

Hutang luar Malaysia akan mencecah Satu Trillion atau Satu Juta Juta . . . Satu Juta Kali Satu Juta Ringgit. Ada faham

I don't think so.

Siapa akan bayar? Tahu tak?

I don't think so as well.
Do they care?
Why should they care?

They will steadfastly "support the government" as long as their present lifestyle and creature comforts are maintained in their cosy little cocoons oblivious to the struggle of ordinary Malays and Malaysians. The Malay Privileged Class will party on . . . print more money and let the good times roll !
Now . . . are there unknowing victims in this diabolical pantomime of vain kleptomaniacs?


The most pathetic and stupidest of them all . . . the not so Privileged Malay who form the bedrock support of the Malay Privileged Class.

These gullible fools are reduced to scavenging crumbs and leftovers left in the wake of the Malay Privileged Class . . . and often taken advantage by those people to do their bidding . . . as readily exemplified by the rabid social media pompom boyz and gurlz lapping at the feet of and cheering on the psychotic pampered kids of the Malay Privileged Class.

These obsequious sycophants inexplicably destroy their own name and reputation to prop members of the very clique that are stealing and eating their lunch . . . and dinner and supper and breakfast. The irony of it all . . . the excesses of these kleptocrats and their parasitic cronies ultimately rob the sycophants of their buying power, of whatever little wealth they have, of their economic well being and of their future and their children's future.

These fools fight hard to defend and cheer on the foul mouthed Anak Manja spoiled brats spewing crap in social media from cushy offices paid for by the Rakyat’s hard earned money, including the Orang Kampongs’ deposit in TH. How stupid can you get? And these Anak VVVIP types are the same SOBs who in lavish dinner parties laughingly belittle the poorer Malays for being “bodoh” and “malas” and having “bad attitude” while they themselves create zero value for companies funded by the rakyat’s money and given to them on a silver platter, often driving down the share price to penny stock status after squandering hundreds of millions of public money to underwrite runaway overhead of lavish office suites, flashy chauffeur driven automobiles, fat charge accounts and First/Business Class junkets around the world to figure out ways to actually make money.

I know these types . . . in fact since childhood . . . the maladjusted spoiled brats who will never admit to a mistake; who must always win an argument, no matter how petty; who are unable and unwilling to understand or to cope with other people's opinions; who will throw tantrums and spew insults and call others idiots and morons and pondan if they don't get their way or others contradict their stand . . . and who goes around with an air of entitlement shoved up their asses and with a smug look reeking of arrogance and contempt for the ordinary folks. These are the REAL enemies of the Malays . . . the toxic, manipulative parasites who are destroying our society from within, the free-loaders who squander their ill-gotten gains on unproductive conspicuous consumption littered with doodads and trinkets, the scums who stash their loot overseas . . . exacerbating the chronic Capital Flight asphyxiating the nation of much-needed pecuniary resources. And these are the same slimeballs supported and cheered on by debilitatingly ignorant fools who sincerely thought they are on the right side of history and patriotically fighting for the Malays and the Motherland.

Memang kesian.

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. . . . "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Dear Terrorist ,The Coptic Church has not been destroyed but instead has become victorious once again

As I was preparing a meal for my child to eat after the liturgy, I heard an explosion coming from a couple of streets away. I ran out of my house and I saw smoke arising from the direction of the Church. 

As I began dashing towards the misty road, my thoughts camouflaged with the dusty air “please have mercy on my dear child! Lord, please let him be alive!” I prayed as I approached the ruined castle, Pushing and shoving everyone out of the way. 
I desperately sought after my son. I desperately sought after for my beloved child. After minutes of torment, there he was… laying besides the altar, slain with nothing covering his torn body but rubble and innocence. I helplessly held his lifeless body in my arms and my tears he blessed with his martyred blood. I heard the cry of every family echo throughout the room. I saw parents collecting the body parts of their children.
I saw the priests and bishops looking at to the heavens and praying. I bowed my head and I looked at my child hanging off my arms. My surroundings silenced. The first time I held him, he was covered in my blood and was afraid. And now as I held him for the last time, his blood was shed and he was in peace. I am now at peace. Today he was given wings to ascend and join the rest of the angels and saints.
You thought you have won by killing the innocent but their souls have now risen to the eternal Kingdom. The walls of the church are now splattered with the blood of those you martyred. Before you entered, the icons were hazed with aromatic incense and now they’re coated with the blood of the new saints. I am writing to you for one reason only. From the depths of my heart, I want you to know that “I forgive you”.
No bomb can ever detonate the love we have for our Savior. Our knees have hit the ground and created an impact that no explosive is ever capable of doing. I want you to know that when you execute these attacks, you widen our pathway to the Heavenly Kingdom. I thank you with all my heart for sending my child to his Father. Although you’ve left him in pieces on Holy grounds, he is now complete in the eyes of our Lord.
Our limbs can be amputated but our love for our God cannot be pulled apart. When Christ was on the wood of the cross, He looked up to heaven and asked His Father to forgive those who tortured and crucified Him for they do not know what they do. I know you’re blinded by darkness and unaware of your actions and that is why I forgive you.
In your eyes, you see broken walls and bodies torn apart but in our eyes we see the Soldiers of Christ becoming stronger and the love of God growing in our hearts. The Coptic Church has not been destroyed but instead has become victorious once again. Yours truly, The one who has forgiven you.
By: Steven Attalla

‘Sherlock Holmes of Armenian Genocide’ Uncovers Lost Evidence

A small stream flowing into the Dudan cave in Turkey. It was here that the Armenian residents of a local village are said to have been thrown, after being led there by Ottoman gendarmes and local Kurdish paramilitary personnel. CreditBryan Denton for The New York Times

For more than a century, Turkey has denied any role in organizing the killing of Armenians in what historians have long accepted as a genocide that started in 1915, as World War I spread across continents. The Turkish narrative of denial has hinged on the argument that the original documents from postwar military tribunals that convicted the genocide’s planners were nowhere to be found.
Now, Taner Akcam, a Turkish historian at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., who has studied the genocide for decades by piecing together documents from around the world to establish state complicity in the killings, says he has unearthed an original telegram from the trials, in an archive held by the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
“Until recently, the smoking gun was missing,” Mr. Akcam said. “This is the smoking gun.” He called his find “an earthquake in our field,” and said he hoped it would remove “the last brick in the denialist wall.”
The story begins in 1915 in an office in the Turkish city of Erzurum, when a high-level official of the Ottoman Empire punched out a telegram in secret code to a colleague in the field, asking for details about the deportations and killings of Armenians in eastern Anatolia, the easternmost part of contemporary Turkey.

Later, a deciphered copy of the telegram helped convict the official, Behaeddin Shakir, for planning what scholars have long acknowledged and Turkey has long denied: the organized killing of up to 1.5 million Armenians by the leaders of the collapsing Ottoman Empire, an atrocity widely recognized as the 20th century’s first genocide.
And then, just like that, most of the original documents and sworn testimony from the trials vanished, leaving researchers to rely mostly on summaries from the official Ottoman newspaper.
Mr. Akcam said he had little hope that his new finding would immediately change things, given Turkey’s ossified policy of denial and especially at a time of political turmoil when its president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has turned more nationalist.
But Mr. Akcam’s life’s work has been to puncture, fact by fact, document by document, the denials of Turkey.
“My firm belief as a Turk is that democracy and human rights in Turkey can only be established by facing history and acknowledging historic wrongdoings,” he said.

The gutted and abandoned interior of an Armenian monastery, north of Diyarbakir, Turkey, which, according to locals, is now used to house livestock. CreditBryan Denton for The New York Times

He broadened his point to argue that much of the chaos gripping the Middle East today was a result of mistrust between communities over historical wrongdoings that no one is willing to confront.
“The past is not the past in the Middle East,” he said. “This is the biggest obstacle to peace and stability in the Middle East.”
Eric D. Weitz, a history professor at the City College of New York and an expert on the Armenian genocide, called Mr. Akcam “the Sherlock Holmes of Armenian genocide.”
“He has piled clue upon clue upon clue,” Professor Weitz added.
Exactly where the telegram was all these years, and how Mr. Akcam found it, is a story in itself. With Turkish nationalists about to seize the country in 1922, the Armenian leadership in Istanbul shipped 24 boxes of court records to England for safekeeping.
The records were kept there by a bishop, then taken to France and, later, to Jerusalem. They have remained there since the 1930s, part of a huge archive that has mostly been inaccessible to scholars, for reasons that are not entirely clear. Mr. Akcam said he had tried for years to gain access to the archive, with no luck.
Instead, he found a photographic record of the Jerusalem archive in New York, held by the nephew of a Armenian monk, now dead, who was a survivor of the genocide.
While researching the genocide in Cairo in the 1940s, the monk, Krikor Guerguerian, met a former Ottoman judge who had presided over the postwar trials. The judge told him that many of the boxes of case files had wound up in Jerusalem, so Mr. Guerguerian went there and took pictures of everything.Bottom of Form

The telegram was written under Ottoman letterhead and coded in Arabic lettering; four-digit numbers denoted words. When Mr. Akcam compared it with the known Ottoman Interior Ministry codes from the time, found in an official archive in Istanbul, he found a match, raising the likelihood that many other telegrams used in the postwar trials could one day be verified in the same way.
For historians, the court cases were one piece of a mountain of evidence that emerged over the years — including reports in several languages from diplomats, missionaries and journalists who witnessed the events as they happened — that established the historical fact of the killings and qualified them as a genocide.
Turkey has long resisted the word genocide, saying that the suffering of the Armenians had occurred during the chaos of a world war in which Turkish Muslims faced hardship, too.

Tripods used for hanging people during the Armenian genocide that started in 1915. CreditCulture Club/Getty Images
Turkey also claimed that the Armenians were traitors, and had been planning to join with Russia, then an enemy of the Ottoman Empire.
That position is deeply entwined in Turkish culture — it is standard in school curriculums — and polling has shown that a majority of Turks share the government’s position.
“My approach is that as much proof as you put in front of denialists, denialists will remain denialists,” said Bedross Der Matossian, a historian at the University of Nebraska and the author of “Shattered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire.”
The genocide is commemorated each year on April 24, the day in 1915 that a group of Armenian notables from Istanbul were rounded up and deported.
It was the start of the enormous killing operation, which involved forced marches into the Syrian desert, summary executions and rapes.
Two years ago, Pope Francis referred to the killings as a genocide and faced a storm of criticism from within Turkey. Many countries, including France, Germany and Greece, have recognized the genocide, each time provoking diplomatic showdowns with Turkey.
The United States has not referred to the episode as genocide, out of concerns for alienating Turkey, a NATO ally and a partner in fighting terrorism in the Middle East. Barack Obama used the term when he was a candidate for president, but he refrained from doing so while in office.
This year, dozens of congressional leaders have signed a letter urging President Trump to recognize the genocide.
But that is unlikely, especially after Mr. Trump recently congratulated Mr. Erdogan for winning expanded powers in a referendum that critics say was marred by fraud.
Mr. Shakir, the Ottoman official who wrote the incriminating telegram discovered by Mr. Akcam, had fled the country by the time the military tribunal convicted him and sentenced him to death in absentia.
A few years later, he was gunned down in the streets of Berlin by two Armenian assassins described in an article by The New York Times as “slim, undersized, swarthy men lurking in a doorway.”

The genocide we and the world forgot

March 26, 2010 17:45 IST

When we can raise your voice for 2,000 Muslims killed in Gujarat, we must cry from the rooftops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not? asks Vivek Gumaste.
Public memory is short and fleeting. Events register momentarily like a blip on a radar and are then consigned to some dark corner of our cerebral galaxy. The brain needs to be bombarded with repetitive stimuli or jolted by a single moral turpitude of seismic proportions to evoke a strong and sustained response. In the absence of such reinforcement, a thought fades away from ones mind and that is the unfortunate tragedy of the Bangladesh genocide.
To ascertain the etiology of this amnesia or selective attention deficit we need to delve deeper into the details of this gory chapter of South Asia. In a massive military operation, code named Operation Searchlight aimed at crushing Bengali aspirations of autonomy, the Pakistan army in March of 1971 unleashed a deadly reign of terror that killed about 3 million Bangladeshis and forced another 10 million to seek refuge across the border in India.
Estimates of the actual numbers vary from a ridiculous low 26,000 put out by the Pakistan government (Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission) to a high of 3 million circulating in the international media. In a preface to this massacre, Yahya Khan, the military dictator of Pakistan at that time is supposed to have remarked: "Kill 3 million of them and the rest will eat out of our hands." (Pierre, Stephen and Robert Payne (1973), Massacre, New York: Macmillan, p 50).  The official position from Bangladesh concurs with the figure of 3 million.
R J Rummel in his book, Statistics of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 (ch.8) concludes: "Consolidating both ranges, I give a final estimate of Pakistan's democide to be 300,000 to 3,000,000, or a prudent 1,500,000." Even this figure of 1.5 million places this massacre high up in the list of notable world genocides. While the number killed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (in excess of 2 million) may top the Bangladesh genocide, it was carried out over a period of 4 years in comparison to the nine-month deadly rampage of the Pakistan army: a chilling testimony to the awesome brutality of this massacre.
Who bore the brunt of this genocide? Was it the Bengali Muslims? Were the Bengali Hindus selectively targeted? Or did both communities suffer equally? It is important to know the actual distribution of the casualties for therein may lie the clue to the big unanswered question: Why were the guilty not brought to book?
The killings were not random acts of response to a mass uprising but a meticulously crafted strategy of selective victimisation as Rummel indicates in his book: "In East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) [General Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan and his top generals] also planned to murder its Bengali intellectual, cultural, and political eliteThey also planned to indiscriminately murder hundreds of thousands of its Hindus and drive the rest into India. And they planned to destroy its economic base to insure that it would be subordinate to West Pakistan for at least a generation to come. This despicable and cutthroat plan was outright genocide."
A report in the Sunday Times, London (June 13, 1971) corroborates the existence of such a diabolical blueprint: "The government's policy for East Bengal was spelled out to me in the Eastern Command headquarters at Dacca. It has three elements: 1. The Bengalis have proved themselves unreliable and must be ruled by West Pakistanis; 2. The Bengalis will have to be re-educated along proper Islamic lines. The -- Islamisation of the masses -- this is the official jargon -- is intended to eliminate secessionist tendencies and provide a strong religious bond with West Pakistan; 3. When the Hindus have been eliminated by death and fight, their property will be used as a golden carrot to win over the under privileged Muslim middle-class. This will provide the base for erecting administrative and political structures in the future."
In a report submitted to U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee (November 1, 1971) Senator Edward Kennedy further confirms this persecution of Hindus: "Field reports to the US government, countless eye-witness journalistic accounts, reports of international agencies such as World Bank and additional information available to the subcommittee document the reign of terror which grips East Bengal (East Pakistan). Hardest hit have been members of the Hindu community who have been robbed of their lands and shops, systematically slaughtered, and in some places, painted with yellow patches marked 'H'. All of this has been officially sanctioned, ordered and implemented under martial law from Islamabad."
An article in Time magazine dated August 2, 1971 titled Pakistan: The Ravaging of Golden Bengal (external link)categorically concluded: "The Hindus, who account for three-fourths of the refugees and a majority of the dead, have borne the brunt of the Muslim military hatred."
All this evidence clearly indicates that the Hindu community of Bangladesh was the specially culled out by the Pakistan army for this inhuman treatment. Coming to specifics, let us see whether we can ascertain with a fair degree of accuracy, the ball park figures for the Hindus killed or driven from their homes.
In the senate judiciary committee report, Kennedy indicates that 80 percent of the refugees were Hindu, that is 8 of the 10 million; a figure in line with the Time magazine report that suggests that three-fourths of the refugees were Hindu.
The percentage figures follow the same pattern when we look at the people killed. Shrinandan Vyas in an article in The Hindu titled Hindu Genocide in East Pakistan uses population statistics from the Bangladesh ministry of planning, bureau of statistics to extrapolate the number of Hindus killed by the Pakistan army: a mind-numbing figure of 2.4 million equivalent to 80 percent of the overall total of 3 million emerges.
While this is not an attempt to underplay or trivialise the sacrifices of Bangladeshis as a whole (Muslim intellectuals were also killed in large numbers), it cannot be denied that the Hindu community of Bangladesh accounted for an astronomically disproportionate share of the dead and paid a price that was more than its due.
A crime like genocide usually involves established institutions like governments or nations. For the criminals to be brought to book one needs a dedicated champion like the legendary Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal or a driven community who share a commonality with the victims and will not let the perpetrators to rest. The Hindu community has neither.
Logically it would fall upon the Bangladesh government to relentlessly pursue the executors of this horrific massacre. After some half-hearted attempts in the immediate post -1971 period, the Bangladesh government has relegated this issue to a back burner. Why they have done so is intriguing? Does it have to do something with Islamic brotherhood and the fact that the victims happened to be predominantly Hindu?
What about the Hindus themselves? The Hindus, wherever they maybe, are afflicted with a strange psychic malady that inhibits them from standing up for their rights or highlighting  atrocities committed against them. Moreover those Hindus who do so are shouted down by their own brethren .However, in defence of Bangladeshi Hindus, I must say that the continued oppressive religious environment in that country makes any such protest impossible, especially with their limited numbers.
The only other lobby with a special interest in this matter was predominantly Hindu India. I have always felt that India owes a moral responsibility to the Hindus left behind in Pakistan and Bangladesh in 1947. While the Muslim minority of India became a part of a secular republic with equal rights, the Hindu minority of Pakistan (and later Bangladesh) were relegated to second class status through no fault of theirs.
Could India with its famed free and secular media have played a key role? Yes it certainly could have. And should have. But did not. 
To side with Hindus even if they are right is akin to blasphemy in the vaunted circles of the free Indian media. How else can you explain the relentless crusade against the Gujarat riots that persists even to this day in comparison with the near total silence on the monumental genocide that obliterated 2.4 million Hindus from the face of the earth or the shoddy treatment meted out to the continued ethnic cleansing of a quarter million Hindus from Kashmir?
All atrocities regardless of the colour, caste, creed or religion of the victims must be condemned fair and square and the perpetrators relentlessly pursued till eternity if need be and brought to book. When we can raise your voice for 2,000 Muslims (the official figures are much less) killed in Gujarat and we should, we must cry from the roof tops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not?

Vivek Gumaste

Maza puts the spotlight on the forgotten Indians by Mariam Mokhtar

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Malaysiakini : Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but when a supposedly learned religious man makes an ‘incorrect’ analysis of another faith, the damage he causes is worse than if the remarks had come from an ignorant oaf.

The Indians of Malaya building a bridge

Of all the muftis in Malaysia, the one from Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (Maza), was considered the most progressive and respected, whose insights resonated with many Malaysians. His views on Act 355 were applauded when he said that this ruse was just another political ploy by PAS and Umno Baru. He disagreed with the use of khalwat squads to test people’s morality. He said that non-Muslims had a right to use the word ‘Allah’
Maza opposed forced conversions of children, when one parent decided to convert to Islam. He blasted the syariah courts for taking years to reach a decision on divorce cases. He courted controversy when he said that religion should not be forced on Muslims.

Whilst Maza’s reputation soared, that of other muftis plummeted. The respect Maza enjoyed ended when he published his poem on Facebook last week. He allegedly claimed the Hindus worshipped cows and practised ‘suttee’.
Maza exposed his poor understanding of Hinduism and its practices. Hindus do not worship cows and suttee has been outlawed for almost two centuries. We cannot say the same about some ‘Muslim’ practices, like female genital mutilation.
Maza’s back-pedalling did not help him. First he said that his poem was directed at Narendra Modi, the nationalist prime minister of India. That simply exacerbated the problem, so he said that Malaysian Hindus should ignore his remarks, because they did not apply to them.

He also alluded to “our preacher” being handed over to a tyrannical government. Was he referring to Zakir Naik, the controversial Muslim preacher who is purportedly seeking refuge in Malaysia to escape two arrest warrants issued by the Indian authorities? Why does Maza harbour a soft spot for Zakir, who seemingly likes to stoke religious fires amongst Malaysians?

Maza’s work and opinions are highly valued and sought after. He is also human and it is possible he made a mistake, and should apologise. The only positive aspect of Maza’s debacle is that he has put the spotlight on Malaysia’s marginalised Indian community.

When government-linked companies (GLCs) took over British rubber estates, they converted land into housing developments, golf courses and oil palm plantations. The displaced Indians drifted to urban areas to form Indian ghettos, which became breeding grounds for gangsters.
Bumiputra policies and quotas denied Indians access to education and work opportunities. Places in local universities were limited and Indian graduates claimed they face discrimination when applying for jobs.
Lack of self-confidence

With so much against them, is it any wonder that the Indian community suffers from a lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, the highest rates of suicide and low performance in business, equity ownership and employment in professional sectors and the civil service?
A few have escaped the poverty trap, and at the other end of the social spectrum, there are many qualified and successful Indian professionals, who form a large proportion of the country’s top lawyers and doctors.
Restrictions on places of worship mean that Hindu temples are forced to be built without planning permission. The Indians could only watch in silence when Hindu temples of historical and cultural importance were demolished.
In 2000, TimeAsia reported that Indians had the lowest share of the nation’s corporate wealth - 1.5 percent compared to 19.4 percent for the Malays and 38.5 percent for the Chinese. In 2003, The Economist reported that Indian Malaysians comprised “14 percent of juvenile delinquents, 20 percent of wife and child abusers, 14 percent of its beggars, and that under 5 percent of successful university applicants were Indian.”

In 2011, the erstwhile MIC deputy president, Dr S Subramaniam, claimed that Indians were ashamed of their community, were looked down upon by the other races, and that 45 percent of the country’s crimes involved Indians.
The Indians are viewed as an afterthought, because if Chinese or Malay communities were treated as badly, there would have been a severe backlash; but with Indians, the common response, is “Who cares? They are only Indians. Even their own politicians fail to promote their cause.”
Zakir Naik was granted permanent resident (PR) status, but many Indians remain stateless, and do not have birth certificates or identity cards. The Indians form the highest percentage of deaths, whilst in police custody. The poorest Indians survive on a ‘hand to mouth’ existence.
Ironically, Maza’s faux pas has highlighted the plight of Indian Malaysians/Hindus. Will he help make Malaysians understand that we cannot alienate the Indians? Issues which affect the Indian community are not solely an Indian problem; they are a Malaysian problem.

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO).

BREAKING NEWS: Armed police seal off Parliament Square as 'man brandishing kitchen knives is pinned to the floor by officers'

NEW Armed police pinned a man to floor outside Parliament Square five weeks after the Westminster terror attack killed five people. Kitchen knives were seen on the floor next to the man, as the roads surrounding Westminster were sealed off. Witnesses saw what appeared to be two kitchen knives strewn across the road as police confirmed they arrested a man. The alert comes six weeks after five people were killed in a terror attack in Westminster.

Watch video of Police storming streets after man found with bag of knives

Mossad trained special agent Pigs kill 3 ISIS Fighters using Ram and kill tactic

Shame on the ISIS fighters who lost in a hand and legs close fighting attack

Three ISIS fighters 'are killed by rampaging wild BOARS' near Iraqi farmland

My special forces have killed many ISIS fighters

Three Islamic State jihadis have reportedly been killed by rampaging wild boars near Iraqi farmland.

The three Islamic State militants were cut down by the feral boar known to inhabit Kirkuk in the the al-Rashad region, a local news site claims. They attacked the militants and left three killed, Iraqi News reports. More...
Chances are that by tomorrow at least one Arab cleric or newspaper will claim the boars were trained by Mossad.

Now British airways forcefully remove passenger from plane

Jamaica over 'upgrade' is revealed to be a CANCER sufferer, 65, who 'was handcuffed, covered in a blanket and treated like a slave'

BA flight from London to Kingston diverted to Portuguese island after a fracas
Jamaican-born Kwane Bantu, 65, says he was forcibly restrained by cabin crew
The cancer sufferer says he wanted to move to business class to stretch his legs
A businesswoman from Leeds who tried to help him also removed from aircraft
Both were interviewed by Portuguese police and are trying to get back to the UK
British Airways says they moved Mr Bantu as he was verbally abusing the staff
Earlier it was wrongly reported that a 'couple' had been trying to get an upgrade

The man kicked off a British Airways flight for 'demanding an upgrade' was a cancer and diabetes sufferer who claimed he wanted to stretch his legs in business class - and is now stranded on an island in the Atlantic.

Kwame Bantu, 65, was an hour into the 14-hour flight to visit family in Jamaica when he began to feel dizzy and saw his leg swelling.
He then tried to move into business class, where he says he was 'ambushed' by six members of staff who tied him up by his hands and feet before allegedly dragging him back to his seat in economy.
'I was just trying to get some room to stretch my leg,' he told MailOnline. 'But nobody was helping me. They refused to listen about my medical illness and what I was going through. I was treated like a slave.'

Fellow passenger Joy Stoney, a businesswoman from Yorkshire, was thrown off the flight alongside the retired Jamaican man and abandoned on the Portuguese island of Terceira after trying to help him.
Ms Stoney, who was wrongly reported as being Mr Bantu's partner, told MailOnline how stewards told him to 'defecate in his seat' when he told them he needed the toilet.

British Airways told MailOnline that Mr Bantu refused to move from business class and verbally abused crew, so they 'helped him walk back to his original seat'.  Neither of the passengers know where their baggage is or how they are to get home.

The man kicked off a British Airways flight for 'demanding an upgrade' was cancer sufferer Kwame Bantu, above, who was tied up and left in his seat after asking to stretch his legs in business class

Mr Bantu, from south London, went on: 'They ambushed me. They tied my feet, my shoulders and my arms and they left me in my seat.
'I was completely humiliated, my human rights had been taken away from me. I didn't even have the energy to fight them because my blood pressure would have gone even higher.

'I don't think I deserved that kind of behaviour. I can understand if they thought I was going to be violent but [the restraints] stopped my blood from circulating.
'It's when some of the other passengers expressed their concern for me that they stopped the plane and landed to kick us out.' 

Joy Stoney said she intervened after she saw staff members dragging Mr Bantu, who had inquired about how much a seat in business class costs, through the plane by his neck.

'The way they restrained him was absolutely preposterous,' Ms Stoney, 40, told MailOnline.

'They restrained him by his shoulders via his neck and hands with straps. His ankles were strapped and on top of everything, they handcuffed him.

'What alarmed me the most was when he wanted to urinate. I know from caring for my mother that if you restrain a diabetic like that, they're going to need the toilet.
'He was holding his crotch area for a while and it was horrible to see. I called the steward manager to come see me and told her I would escort him to the toilet myself.
'They said, "He needs to defecate himself in the chair", and I think that is utterly inhumane.

Mr Bantu, from south London, says he was 'ambushed' by six members of staff who tied him up by his hands and feet before dragging him back to his seat in economy class

Fellow passenger Joy Stoney, a businesswoman from Yorkshire, was thrown off the flight alongside retired Mr Bantu and abandoned on the Portuguese island of Terceira after trying to help him
'They refused to give him proper food. They only gave him a bread roll and a small cup of water.
Mr Bantu and Ms Stoney were stranded on the island without their luggage and have received no help or advice from the British consulate about getting home.  

The incident occurred on flight BA2263 as it left Gatwick London for the Jamaican capital Kingston on Wednesday, military officials confirmed.

An air force spokesman said someone had filmed the spat on a mobile phone and that pair escorted off the plane would be questioned by PSP civilian police in Terceira.

British Airways told MailOnline in a statement: 'Caring for our customers is our highest priority and we continue to investigate all the circumstances surrounding this incident.

'We take great care to handle these difficult situations as sensitively as possible. Our cabin crew and one of our pilots repeatedly asked a customer to return to his booked seat in economy after he sat in our business class cabin without permission. 

'He repeatedly refused, verbally abused crew members and disturbed other customers.
'As a last resort, our cabin crew felt they had no option but to restrain the customer in the interests of the safety of everyone on board and helped him walk back to his original seat. 

The incident occurred on flight BA2263 as it left Gatwick London for the Jamaican capital Kingston on Wednesday, military officials confirmed 

The incident occurred on flight BA2263 as it left Gatwick London for the Jamaican capital Kingston on Wednesday, military officials confirmed 

Mr Bantu and Ms Stoney were stranded on the island of Terceira without their luggage and have received no help or advice from the British consulate about getting home 

A spokesman for the PSP police on the island of Terceira said Mr Bantu and Ms Stoney were not arrested and the matter was closed as far as they were concerned.
He said the civilian force’s only involvement in the incident had been to answer a request to take the pair off the plane, adding: 'They left the plane without incident.
'They stayed on Terceira as far as I know last night but I don’t know where and I don’t have information on where they are now.

'They are free to do what they want as there is nothing preventing them from leaving the island at any time.' 

Flight-tracking data shows the plane left Gatwick for Kingston at 11.36am on Wednesday.

However at about 3pm it started to divert from its intended flight path and double back for the island of Terceira.

The plane then left the island at about 7.15pm, returning back to London at 10.36pm. 
It comes a week after British Airways was criticised by the new President of Ghana for the 'shoddy' way it treats customers.

In a major embarrassment for the airline, the African country's leader criticised 'the quality of the planes and the service'. 

After landing in Terceira, the plane took off again at about 7.15pm, returning back to London at 10.36pm

He even accused BA of 'taking us a little for granted'. The comments follow a barrage of complaints from travelers over poor service on BA flights.
It has been criticised after it stopped providing free sandwiches, snacks and drinks on flights lasting less than five hours.

The policy could now be extended to long-haul flights for passengers in economy class.

The airline has also came under fire for plans to cut legroom from 30 inches to 29 on some of its planes – an inch less than on RyanAir planes.

Encouraging turnout for Mahathir ceramah in Umno stronghold

Some 2,000 people thronged a Mahathir ceramah in the parliamentary constituency of Tasik Gelugor in mainland Penang last night in a sign that his Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia is making inroads in Umno strongholds

Watch videos below

Migrant workers ‘dorms’ in Penang spark concern

From Anil Netto Blog

Taking a leaf from what is happening in Singapore, Penang too is planning foreign workers villages/dormitories in Bukit Tambun, Permatang Tinggi, Juru, Batu Maung and Bukit Minyak.

These ‘dorms’ – multi-storey buildings or towers – could house as many as 5,000-6,000 foreign workers at each site.

Although the dorms would be equipped with various amenities, what is worrying is the idea of accommodating foreign workers in specific locations, out of sight of local residents. This is pandering to local residents’ prejudice towards migrant workers in their neighbourhoods or apartment blocks.

What’s more, Bukit Tambun residents have even objected to the location of one such foreign workers dorm in that area!

There is even a reported plan for internal patrolling and a biometric system to monitor the workers’ movements at these dorms. What? Why are foreign workers going to be treated like this?

And a no alcohol ruling in the dorms means workers can’t even have a beer in their private space? Would we tolerate such rulings in our own homes?

Are these dorms going to be a voluntary option for workers accommodation? If such dorms are not a voluntary option, woudn’t this amount to segregation?

It seems that we need foreign workers, but we would rather keep them out of sight, segregated in barracks ‘dorms’.

Feeling disturbed by such segregation, scientist and researcher Mary Chin has written a thought-provoking piece that has been published by Aliran. She says:

Outside paid hours, workers should be free to go wherever they like. Biometric-tagging to restrict and monitor their movement is completely unacceptable. Penangites should reject this at all costs. Such an idea dishonours ourselves first, before it gets to dishonour its prey.

Traitors in the midst of Pakatan Harapan and mostly in DAP

Traitors in Pakatan Harapan , yes many are and do not realize they will be the ones because they are already been compromised during to the...

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