Ben Hur Plug Up Blog - I belief that if one wants change one have to fight for it and cannot be a bystander .If you have articles, information, thoughts you want to share just send it to me at . Please keep your articles brief, not more than 1000 words or just use bullet points. If you have pictures to go with the articles, that is even better. Towards an excellent Malaysia.
KOTA KINABALU – With her chart-topping hits and killer looks, Selena Gomez is easily one of the most recognisable celebrities in the world.
In Sabah, people can be forgiven for doing a double take at the sight of local teen sensation Phantegerow Louiselle Leo Estrop.
For Phantegerow, better known as Phan, not only looks like Selena, but is also set for a promising career in the entertainment industry.
When her uncanny resemblance to the pop star was discovered in social media a few months back, Phan saw her popularity soar to staggering heights.
Since then, she has received offers to not only model for fashion and beauty products but also a role in Sumpahan Kinabalu, New Line Film Sdn Bhd production.
To date, Phan has already established an impressive fan base with nearly 27,000 followers in Facebook and Instagram.
Despite her newfound fame, the teen, of Kadazan-Dusun and Dutch descent, remains firmly grounded.
“I would be lying if I said that being likened to Selena does not make me happy or proud. I consider it an honour,” she enthused, “but I do not want to let that get to my head. At the end of the day, I am still me, not Selena.”
“I do admit however that my life changed since last August, when some of my photos in social media were being compared to Selena without me even knowing.
“Since then, I have received a lot of modelling and acting offers but for now, I am only contracted to an acting role in the film (Sumpahan Kinabalu).”
Eighteen-year-old Phan is also adamant about staying focused on her studies for the time being.
“I chose the acting gig because it does not interfere too much with my studying time,” she said.
Middle East Homework - From around the blogs and this is lazy cut and paste type posting
Hi folks. I will be busy for a day or two. Here is a timeline of the Arab Israeli conflict :
The first Arab Israeli War was fought in 1948
The next war was 8 years later - the Suez Crisis of 1956
11 years later there was the 6 Day War in 1967
Followed by the Yom Kippur War in 1973 - 6 years later
The 1st Lebanese War (the PLO War) was 9 years later in 1982
The 1st Intifada began 6 years later in 1988 - 1993
2nd Intifada took place 7 years later 2000
2nd War in Lebanon (Shia Hizbollah War) was in 2006
The Invasion of Gaza took place in 2014 (Salafi Hamas War)
The war in Syria will come to a conclusion soon. Bashar Assad will remain in power. Lebanese Hizbollah (Shia) which is now fully engaged in Syria fighting for Assad will return back to Lebanon in full force and with stronger backing from Syria. This will not happen until 2018 (at least).
Battle hardened Hizbollah soldiers and commanders who return in triumph to Lebanon will be itching for a fight against Israel. The 3rd Lebanon War may take place in 2000 - 2001. The Hizbollah will be wiped out.
Here are two maps of the Middle East (including Pakistan). The first is a contemporary map of the Middle East.
The second map here (drawn by someone in the US Pentagon) shows what the Middle East may look like in the near future.
East to West, Pakistan will be broken up into at least two countries Pakistan and Balochistan. This is beginning to happen as there is a strong Balochi armed resistance going on as we read this. Pakistan will shrink further as Pushtun tribal areas along the Afghan border will also merge with Afghanistan.
Iraq will break up into an Arab Shia state, a Kurdish state in the north (which has already been functioning for over 12 years now) and a Sunni Arab state in the west. In this map above the Arab Shia state extends into the coastal areas of Saudi Arabia as well as Iran, completely encircling Kuwait. More war. (My guess is there will be internal unrest in Iran and the Ayatollahs will be overthrown. This is a certainty.)
The new Kurdistan extends from Iraq into Syria, Turkey and parts of Iran. More war. On the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen becomes a greater Yemen extending into Saudi Arabia. As we are reading this the Houthis are already occupying parts of Jizan, Asir and Najran. These are Yemeni inhabited lands occupied by Saudi Arabia since the 1930s. The Houthis have said this time around they will not give up these ancestral lands to the Saudis again.
Saudi Arabia itself will be broken up into a Sacred State (Mecca and Medina) and "independent territories" in the east of the country, where their oil fields are and also where the majority population is Shiah. The names of these new independent territories will be BritishPetroleumistan, Caltexistan and so on.
There is also a "greater" Jordan on the new map of the Middle East. Jordan is not a country that will invade Saudi Arabia or any other country. The only way Jordan will become "greater Jordan" is if Saudi Arabia collapses from within and 'Jordanian' tribes along the Saudi border ask for their lands to be incorporated into a greater Jordan. Plus it will also be a buffer between Israel and the Shia Arab state in Iraq and Shiah Iran.
Israel remains in place with no expansion of territory.
Major chess is being played. The Arabs will have almost no say in their fate. This is always the fate of stupid people.
KUALA LUMPUR – Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) may be contesting Padang Rengas, a traditional PKR seat, in the next election, incumbent Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz said today.
The tourism and culture minister said he was notified by the purported candidate Datuk Hamidah Osman, who is PPBM vice-president, herself and PPBM chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad during their meet in Padang Rengas last weekend.
“Hamidah told me that she is interested in contesting in Padang Rengas. I said no problem and welcomed her.
“Tun Mahathir also spoke to me in English and said she is interested, I nodded,” he told Malay Mail Online when contacted today.
The Umno supreme council member also said he had no qualms with PPBM contesting in what traditionally was supposed to be a PKR seat.
“I welcome the suggestion even though it’s traditionally a PKR seat. I don’t know if they’ve consulted their Pakatan friends,” the Padang Rengas MP sarcastically said.
Nazri added that it would actually be an advantage for him as the Opposition would be further split and votes would work to his favour.
“If Hamidah wants to contest, the more the merrier. It is to my advantage. They would be further split and that works in my favour. I hope she will come and contest,” he said.
PPBM recently officially joined the Pakatan Harapan alliance to prevent overlapping seats ahead of the next general elections.
The Umno splinter party is currently also trying to negotiate with PAS on its own to avoid any three-corner fights against Barisan Nasional.
Malaysian police have denied two British media reports that they are investigating a mobile phone call from the cockpit of Malaysia Airlines MH370 before take-off.
Police Inspector-General Kahlid Abu Bakar on Monday dismissed reports in Britain’s Mail on Sunday that police were investigating a call senior pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah made on his mobile phone shortly before the plane took off from Kuala Lumpur.
The newspaper claimed the call was to a mobile number obtained under a false identity, and that police had traced the number to a shop selling SIM cards in Kuala Lumpur.
Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
Attention has switched back to the captain of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 after reports suggest he received a two-minute call shortly before take-off from a mobile phone number obtained under a false identity.
The phone had been bought “very recently” by someone who gave a woman’s name, but was using a false identity, the report said.
The story was the second in a week to make claims about a pre-flight phone call, following a similar one in fellow UK newspaper The Sun.
Police initially declined to comment on the existence of the two-minute call made from the cockpit of the Boeing 777 aircraft with 239 people on board.
But Inspector-General Kahlid said that if the newspaper could provide the telephone number “that would be helpful”.
“If not … it is mere speculation,” he said.
Inspector Kahlid said investigations into what happened before and during the ill-fated flight were continuing.
The newspaper claimed investigators were treating the call as significant because anyone buying a pay-as-you go SIM card in Malaysia has to fill out a form giving their identity card or passport number. In practice, though, it is easy to buy a SIM card without handing over a passport.
The Mail on Sunday claimed the discovery raised fears of a possible link between Captain Zaharie and terror groups whose members routinely use untraceable SIM cards.
However political activists in Malaysia also sometimes use SIM cards bought with fake identities if they fear that their phone calls may be bugged, the newspaper claimed. Captain Zaharie is an active member of Anwar Ibrahim’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat (People’s Justice Party).
Zaharie Ahmad Shah
Police have spoken to Mr Zaharie’s wife Faizah Khan but have not formally interviewed her about her husband, whose background has been under intense scrutiny since the plane was turned back from its scheduled flight path en route to Beijing on March 8.
Investigators are now planning to formally interview Mr Zaharie’s wife. There are reports that the couple, who have three children, were separated but had been living under the same roof.
Everyone else who spoke to the pilot on his phone in the hours before the flight took off has already been interviewed.
Investigating a mobile phone call: Zaharie Ahmad Shah, senior pilot on the MH370 flight.
Some trace of the passion that Mr Zaharie had for flying can be found in the trail of e-mail exchanges and online message board posts that detail the Malaysia Airlines pilot’s construction of a state-of-the-art flight simulator at home.
Now the stack of computer monitors, graphics cards and software he painstakingly sourced and improved is being pored over by investigators trying to make sense of the disappearance more than two weeks ago of the passenger jet he was piloting.
There is no evidence that Zaharie was responsible for the loss of Flight MH370, which had 227 passengers and 10 crew, including the 53-year-old captain, aboard.
In fact, many in the online community of specialist vendors and flying enthusiasts whom Zaharie turned to for components and advice say it is common for pilots to enjoy flying so much that they have simulators at home.
“Many pilots contact me interested in making ‘home’ simulators. Zaharie along with some others pilots actually used my motion controllers to upgrade the realism of their simulators by building motion platforms,” Thanos Kontogiannis, a California-based aviation enthusiast who helped Zaharie build the simulator, posted on his blog on Monday.
Kontogiannis, whose LinkedIn profile and blog describe him as a San Diego-based Qualcomm employee who builds motion controllers in his spare time, did not respond to requests for comment.
But with investigators convinced that the missing plane was diverted thousands of miles off its scheduled course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing by a skilled aviator, attention has focused on Zaharie and the 27-year-old co-pilot, Fariq Abdul Hamid.
Malaysian police seized the simulator last week from Zaharie’s gated home in an upscale suburb west of Kuala Lumpur. Games he was running from the Microsoft “Flight Simulator” series and the latest “X-plane” title were being examined.
“Looking through the flight logs in these simulator games is a key part of the investigation,” said an official with direct knowledge of the investigation into Zaherie and his co-pilot.
“X-plane 10 was interesting to investigators because it was the latest thing Zaharie bought. Also it is the most advanced out there and had all sorts of emergency and combat scenarios.”
Malaysian investigators have asked the FBI for help in memory recovery after discovering some data was deleted on February 3.
Zaharie spent thousands of hours in the virtual cockpit of the machine playing flying games or boosting its capabilities. He seemed proud of the results.
On the evening of November 17, 2012, he posted a picture of his newly-finished simulator and its specifications to an online forum, calling it “awesome” and saying it was his “passion”. He said it was “time to take to the next level of simulation” with a motion controller and that he was “looking for buddies”.
A motion controller makes the chair of the simulator pitch and turn like in a real cockpit to simulate the climbs, descents and banked turns of a real plane. Zaharie’s set-up also included a center pedestal, where aircraft controls sit, and overhead panel.
It’s impossible to estimate exactly how much Zaharie spent on his simulator, but rough estimate by Reuters shows it was likely to be well in excess of $7000.
Flight simulator costs vary depending on parts used. For example, a replica Boeing-737 seat on Flight Simulator Centre, a website with simulator parts, costs almost $5,000. An overhead panel listed on another website costs $800.
The software, currently a focus for investigators, would have allowed him to practice landing at more than 33,000 airports, on aircraft carriers, oil rigs, frigates, which pitch and roll with the waves, and helipads atop buildings.
Other software Zaharie was using would have let him to use the internet to fly with friends and he could have simulated “a lot of malfunctions, emergencies, go-arounds, return-to-base or divert with fairly exact procedures”, according to Naoya Fujiwara, a flight simulator expert from Japan.
He could have simulated any weather and even downloaded real weather, wind and temperature data from a professional server, Fujiwara said.
Given the large amount of cheap memory loaded onto modern computers, it’s unlikely Zaharie would have had to erase his flight data for technical reasons – so it remains unclear why some of the data was erased on February 3.
“Today storage capacity is not a problem for a computer running simulators,” said Fernando Nunez Correas, a simulation software developer using some of the same components as Zaharie.
Erasing data may have been part of a regular maintenance routine or done to help improve the simulator’s performance, flight simulator users say.
He could not have practiced evading radar, for instance, because radar is not part of the simulation, Nunez said.
Last week this Chinese guy was putting in his two cents worth about how hard it is to be a Chinese in Malaysia. Aisehman if you think being a Chinese in Malaysia is hard let me give you my five cents worth (we Malays must always be one up on the Chinese lah!) about being a Malay in Malaysia!
Let us start with the easy one first. What is the most stupid thing that has ever happened in our country? Maybe some of you Malays have to think hard about this (see how even a Malay makes fun of the Malays!) but I know the Chinese will be clamouring to put in their two cents worth on this matter. It must surely be the theft of the two spare General Electric J85-21A engines for the RMAF Northrop Grumman F-5E Tiger II jet fighters – each worth RM$50million. Now who was the head honcho in the RMAF at that time? A Malay! Who was the Minister of Defence at that time? A Malay! Who was the Prime Minister at that time? A Malay!……siapa malu…we Malays lah! Yes two Indians were charged in connection with the theft but you know and I know that nothing gets done in RMAF and MINDEF unless the Malays give the thumbs up!
Next in line is that unfortunate situation when our self proclaimed First Lady “doctored” her own image to make her look as young as Ziana Zain…. maybe even younger if the reports coming in from malicious sources are to be believed! This First Lady happens to be a …MALAY! And again the non-Malays are shaking his or her heads as to how this Malay First Lady could think that air brushing 40 years away could fool anybody. I know that you Chinese can say that there were plenty of Malays who were laughing with the Chinese on this one….yes we did laugh but inside still hurting so much lah!!!!
If you Chinese think that you all are suffering a lot of pain because of the Ketuanan Melayu thing please consider this: We have Ibrahim Ali as our so-called champion!!!!! Aisehman will you walk behind this son of Ibrahim even if he decides to champion Ketuanan China? No thank you! But for now we Malays are stuck with having him as our Hang Tuah for Ketuanan Melayu…complete with headgear and keris too! It now seems that he is about to call a Jihad against the non-Malays. Aiyah as a Malay where can I hide myself from this later day Hang Tuah?
I can go on and on about this “hard to be a Malay” stuff but I think that is enough for now. I sure hope that some Indians, Dayak or Iban will come up with their two cents worth on this matter too! I am sure being an Indian, Iban or Dayak is also hard….please share with us the cross you guys have to bear!
I guess the only reason that Nazri kept silent because he did not get
the “Foot in the Mouth” attach and must have taken his medication ( Photo of
Najib to remind him to engage his brain first before opening the mouth to talk
first ) .
Nazri explains his
silence during meeting with Mahathir
The tourism and culture minister says he was
following etiquette and waiting for the elderly former prime minister to talk
first during their encounter in Kuala Kangsar yesterday.
PETALING JAYA: Tourism and
Culture Minister Nazri Aziz today said the awkward silence during his encounter
yesterday with Dr Mahathir Mohamad was due to his respect for the former
Nazri explained the standard etiquette during Mahathir’s tenure as
prime minister was that “you don’t speak to him unless he speaks to you first”.
“Those were the days when he was the prime minister. I was quite
used to that and so I waited for him to speak to me.
“But he didn’t say anything until the end. It’s because of that,
Mahathir said I was silent,” he told FMT when contacted.
Nazri then added that Mahathir wasn’t friendly at all during their
“He wasn’t warm at all. He was concentrating on his food. But I
wanted to respect him because he looked so frail. So, I just kept quiet.”
The duo was spotted at a small stall in Kuala Kangsar yesterday,
where they had met over a bowl of cendol and laksa.
At the same time, Nazri also said
upon his arrival, one of Mahathir’s aides attempted to prevent the duo from
“Even though one of his aides tried to take Mahathir away from me,
I just went there and shook his hand.
“We then went to a gazebo by the river and I sat beside him after
his aide cleared a seat for me.”
The Padang Rengas MP also thought that the debate, which was
scheduled to be held on April 7 in Shah Alam, would be the best avenue to
channel their respective views.
“I thought that if there’s anything that needs to be said, it
should be said on the 7th, not there.”
Nazri had accepted Mahathir’s challenge to a public debate over
the 1MDB and Bumiputra Malaysia Finance controversies, as well as the RM2.6
billion donation from the Saudi royal family.
The debate was originally supposed to be held at the Mara Junior
College hall in Kuala Kangsar yesterday, but this was scrapped after police
rejected the venue.
The debate will now be held on April 7 at the Karangkraf Complex
in Section 15, Shah Alam.
Look below somebody send me
and never knew in a tightly control environment in Malaysia, these services are
opening been provided. Was I surprise, YES IWAS
Malaysia is not a closed but an open country after all. Where are the mad
mullahs demonstrating outside the clinics? I guess not when maybe their wives
or girlfriends are getting theirs tightened and also the Middle East tourist
We are a specialist aesthetic medical clinic, with Ministry of Health approval (LCP certified), we provide services as below,
Filler injection (Hyaluronic acid, Radiesse, Sculptra) Botox injection Thread lifting Vaginal tightening PRP injection (Skin, Hair loss) Laser hair removal Laser pigment removal Acne treatment Anti Aging blood cleansing treatment Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy Slimming treatment Far infrared Sauna And many more
suspected for Kelantan H5N1 infection
KOTA BHARU, 15 March 2017:
Veterinary Services Department believes the bird flu (H5N1) epidemic
detected in the state could have started from cockfighting activities
involving roosters from neighbouring countries.
department’s director-general Datuk Dr Kamaruddin Md Isa urged the public
to stop holding such contests, including at border areas, to prevent
the H5N1 virus from spreading elsewhere.
“We see
a similarity between these cases and those in 2004 which also occurred in
Kelantan where roosters infected with H5N1 were involved in cockfighting at the
border areas.”
said further investigations were being conducted to identify the real
source of the epidemic, including looking at similarities with fowl diseases in
Asean countries.
far, no new location has been found to have been infected and the epidemic has
not spread to other states.”
To date, he said 15,957 fowls – like the free-range chicken,
ducks, serama chicken, geese, quails and the ketitir bird – have been
culled in Kota Bharu and Pasir Mas, which are within a 10km radius since
the epidemic was identified in Kampung Pulau Tebu, Tunjong here, to
prevent the H5N1 virus from spreading.
H5N1 virus, which affects fowls, was detected on March 6 after a
few free-ranging chickens owned by residents died.
no H5N1 virus has been detected – but chairman of the State Health, Human
Resources and Special Functions Committee Datuk Norol Azali Sulaiman said
the government would take necessary steps to be alert and monitor the
spread of the virus.
have not received any reports on the H5N1 disease infecting animals or people.”
suspect the General elections in Malaysia is due very soon and the Ruling BN
party needs every vote in can get. Make another promise and this time to the
hundreds of thousands poor suffering motorcyclists. A promise from BNGovernment
needs to be repeated for 5 General elelctions before if the promise
materializes. Fat hopes dear motorcyclists , another empty promise and why now
not earlier. All because it cost money and motorcyclists are from the low
income group that the Government can buy with RM 2 of free fuel .LOL
Authorities finally giving focus to rain shelters for motorcyclists
KUALA LUMPUR, 22 March 2017:
All road concessioners have
been instructed to provide motorcycle shelters at certain locations for
the comfort of motorcyclists.
As such, the Malaysian Highway Authority
(MHA) is suggesting that the construction of a safe motorcycle shelter be
one of the requirements for the concessionaries.
The Works Ministry said the design of a
motorcycle shelter would be based on ensuring the safety of motorcyclists.
The Public Works Department (JKR) agreed
the matter should be given serious thought – especially at the design
stage, where social impact has to be a norm in design parameters and
JKR also believe special bike lanes should
be constructed, in addition to building shelters, in view of an increasing
statistic of accidents involving motorcyclists.
department expressed concern to build these shelters as many motorcyclists
were seen taking shelter under bridges or underpass, thus inviting danger as
these are not convenient places to take shelter.
The department prepared two guidelines on
motorcycles, namely the design of motorcycle facilities and a geometric design
for motorcycle lanes.
The statement said all future road design
and construction has to incorporate these safety elements for motorcyclists as
well as other road users.
Why ask me I
do not know why they are sidelined , Please go and ask Najib
Why are Malaysian
State rulers not consulted on Islamic laws amendments?
March 2017:
Former chief justice
Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim yesterday said any proposal or
amendment to laws which involve Islam, had to be presented to the
Conference of Rulers before it could be tabled in Parliament.
This include the
Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 Amendment Bill (RUU 355), he
As the head of
Islam, he noted the Malay rulers had an important role in deciding matters
pertaining to Islam.
“I observe the
debate, questions on why RUU 355 is not presented to the rulers before it is
tabled in parliament has a logic to it.
“This is clearly
stated the Federal Constitution which requires matters pertaining to Islam to
be referred to the Conference of Rulers,” he said during a question and answer
session on a lecture “Islam as the Law of the Land” here.
Ahmad Fairuz, who as the chief justice between 2003 and 2007, said
the role of the Conference of Rulers as the head of Islam should not be
“The syariah court
exists because of Islam. Therefore, anything that concerns Islam has to be
referred to the Conference of Rulers for approval before the tabling in
Questioned why the
non-Muslims are against RUU 355, despite it not affecting them, Ahmad
Fairuz said he could not find a strong excuse for the non-Muslims to oppose
the proposed law.
“The RUU 355 does
not involve the non-Muslims at all. Why should they worry?”
On the need to amend
the law, he opined it was due to the rise in crimes under the law.
“The heavier penalty
is hoped will reduce the offences committed by Muslims as the existing
punishment is not enough to make them remorseful or instil fear,”
The first reading of
the bill was done by PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang Hadi during the
last session of the Dewan Rakyat last year.
The bill seeks,
among others, to amend Section 2 of the law to empower Islamic courts to
enforce punishment, except for the death penalty, provided in syariah laws for
Islamic offences listed under state jurisdiction in the Federal Constitution
Comments from around the blogs - WE all know
that MCA is another set of beggars who are deeply incline to the BN and will go
to extend to sell the Chinese. Be careful of them. Teach them a lesson and wipe
them out once and fore all in the coming GE14. MGS
Liow calls on Chinese to support MCA
He says after the party’s defeat during the last general election
(GE), issues plaguing the Chinese community could not be brought to the top
once again called on the Chinese community to support the party so that issues
affecting them can be resolved immediately at the top level.
Its president, Liow
Tiong Lai said after the party’s defeat during the last general election (GE),
issues plaguing the Chinese community could not be brought to the top level.
“I, therefore urge
the Chinese community to support MCA representatives in the coming GE so that
we will be able to represent them at the government level and help solve their
problems,” he told reporters at the ‘Jom, Gerak Teguh Bersama’ Carnival at Titi
near here today.
Also present were
MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon, vice-president Chew Mei Fun and Negri Sembilan
chairman King Lim Chin Fui.
Liow, who is also
transport minister, said the Chinese community had realised the elected
representatives which they had voted for in the last general election had not
served them well.
Meanwhile, he said
this was the first Jom Gerak Teguh Bersama Carnival in the state.
“We are organising a
nationwide tour of this carnival to create awareness among the local population
that MCA programmes have benefitted members and the community,” he added.