Comments – Yes it is high time the hard working Chinese
and Indians should migrate to other countries where they are appreciated. Over
here the Chinese and Indians pay 95% of the taxes to support the freeloaders
who 99% from the dominant race and religion. Yes thank you Eddie Putra for
highlighting this point. See how the freeloaders survive once the money is
Now once the money is gone , there will be a new industry which the freeloaders are good for . Lice picking from the arse and massage
Malaysia: A photographer explains why Chinese and Indians
DON’T Deserve to stay in Malaysia!
Racial tensions in Malaysian are pretty real, so real that even
if you start off a post, sentence or an essay with the sentence, “BANGSA
CINA sama INDIA DON’T deserve to live in MALAYSIA anymore. Baik pigi lain
tempat duduk. Sini tak bagus.” you’ll
probably have people ready with pitchforks and their torches to come hurt you
or even ready to type out a hate comment on your post!
sentence that roughly translates into “The Chinese and Indian race
don’t deserve to live in Malaysia anymore. It’s better if they go somewhere
else to live, it’s not good here.” was
actually posted by a photographer and social activist, Eddie Putera. However
rough he started his Facebook post, it’s not what you think.
When I first read it, I thought to myself, “What is this guy trying to
prove here?!?” but as
I slowly read, he made a very clear point in the end which I recommend everyone
to read.
can read a small summary at the end of this article but below is as quoted from
what he posted,
BANGSA CINA sama INDIA DON’T deserve to live in MALAYSIA anymore.
Baik pigi lain tempat duduk. Sini tak bagus.
Masa wa sekolah rendah, wa punya emak suruh wa kawan sama Cina.
Sebab dia tau, budak cina rajin baca buku. Wa sekolah sana Batu Road School,
dekat dengan Tiong Nam ( Kawasan Cina ), Sentul ( Kawasan India ) dan Kampung
Bharu ( Kawasan Melayu ) . Ramai anak anak cina dalam wa punya kelas. Top 10
students selalu nya anak Cina. So wa punya emak sudah tahu. Kalau wa kawan sama
Cina, wa tarak banyak main sangat dalam kelas.
Wa punya emak pun suruh kawan sama India. Sebab dia tahu, wa minat
main bola. School team punya captain pun India. So dia tahu kalau wa kawan sama
India, petang petang wa mesti tarak pigi pertama complex ( Baru buka masa wa
darjah 2 ) lepak.
Wa punya scout leader berbangsa Sikh. Keshmahinder Singh. Kita
selalu hari sabtu bikin aktiviti scout. Tarak pigi mana mana lepak curi
rambutan ka apa ka.
Wa lepas university, wa kerja satu computer company. Wa jadi
salesman. Wa punya apak manyak marah sebab wa tamau kerja jadi architect. Wa
punya taukey sama sales manager Cina. Nama boss busat wa Lim Seng Kok. Wa punya
manager nama Timothy Teoh. Wa tarak gaji, wa makan kamisen saja. Dia orang
tarak tengok wa punya Melayu bangsa. Dia orang tengok wa macam satu budak
kurus, mau belajar cari makan. Semua kasi ajar.
So, masa tu memang bagus semua bangsa duduk sini Negara. Majority
orang Cina bikin wang, kasi ekonomi kita naik tinggi. orang Melayu duduk sana
pentadbiran dan make sure Negara Malaysia is managed properly. Orang India pun
meniaga, dan provide support to the human resource and also think tank negara.
Semua tarak ada masalah. But that was then.
Sekarang ni ar, manyak ada pening kepala. Budak2 melayu kawan sama
sendiri. Budak2 Cina sama orang Cina. Budak budak India pun sama. Lu tak
percaya, lu pigi sana shopping mall tengok. Sudah jarang tengok satu gang 3
bangsa jalan sama sama. And owh, to make it worst, sudah kasi picah itu tempat
IT. Orang melayu ada IT mall sendiri. What the puiii™ is this ?
Ada pula Melayu punya gang, pakai baju Merah, pigi sana padang,
kasi hantam orang Cina. Pigi kacau tempat Cina meniaga. Apa pasal mau jadi
sampai macam ni ?
Melayu sekarang sudah takut tengok itu Church. Diu Nia Seng. Dulu
ar, budak Melayu pigi sekolah rendah sudah nampak Salib. Tak percaya tanya
budak budak St Johns Institution. Wa punya adik sana Convent Bukit Nanas
sekolah. Dia punya headmistress is a Nun pakai jubah punya. Tapi all of us are
still ardent Moslems.
Melayu sekarang tengok kedai jual babi macam tengok hantu. Itu
babi jadi taboo, macam kalau lu kasi bau itu asap babi, lu boleh jadi mati itu
macam. Tuhan cakap jangan makan babi, tapi Tuhan tarak cakap, kasi hina babi
atau orang makan babi.
So, wa ingat ar, Cina sama India boleh kasi plan mau cari lain
tempat duduk la. Semua orang Cina sama India derma sikit wang, beli mana mana
tempat dalam dunia, kasi bina satu negara baru. Ini tempat sudah tarak syok la.
You guys don’t deserve to be treated this bad.
And kalau lu orang ingat mau kasi chance Melayu pun chip in,
share, tolong la invite wa sama. Wa pun mau pindah. Jom sama sama bikin Negara
Baru. Kita hidup balik sama sama. Wa ingat ar, bukan wa sorang Melayu mau ikut
lu orang. Ramai lagi kot yg mau chow.
Eddie makes a good point about the racial harmony in today’s
time and age. He suggested that the both races he pointed out earlier should
start collecting funds to buy a “new place in the world” to stay, all because “they don’t deserve to be
treated this badly”. Jokingly adding that if they are
willing to allow the Malays a chance to share the cost, they should invite him
as he would like to move too.
“Let’s all go together to build this new country and live together
in harmony once again. I don’t think I’m the only Malay who wants to join you,
many more also want to leave.”
claimed that racial harmony in the past was much more prevalent than it is now,
adding that the Chinese helped make the country’s economy strong while the
Malays made sure that the country was managed properly and the Indians, who
also engaged in business, provided support to the country’s human resources and
think tanks.
“But that was then. Now things have become a mess with the Malays
sticking with the Malays, the Chinese sticking with the Chinese and the Indians
also following suit, if you don’t believe me, just go to a shopping mall and
you’ll see that it has become a rare sight for all three races to be hanging
out together.” he added.
added that Malays had also become overly sensitive and afraid of Christian
churches and restaurants selling pork. Stating, “Malays have become afraid of seeing churches. Before this, Malays
who went to primary schools had already been exposed to Christian crosses. If
you don’t believe me, go and ask the kids from Saint John’s Institution. My
younger sibling went to Convent Bukit Nanas where the headmistress was a nun
dressed in robes. But all of us are still devout Muslims.”
His statements were
jokingly funny but at the same with a handful of good truth that really shows
us where our society has headed over the years. There isn’t anything political
about his post, it may be racially sensitive to some but he isn’t lying about
what he speaks.
to Eddie for speaking out about the serious social issues happening currently
now in our country. What do you all think about his statements? Agree or
disagree? Let us know and let your friends and family know about this. Cheers!
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