
Thursday 30 March 2017

Finally Approves App That Tracks Drones Strikes

The drone war is coming to your smartphone.

A new app called Metadata sends iPhone users a push notification after a U.S. drone strike is reported in the news.  in an article for The Intercept, Josh Begley, the creator of the app, said he wanted to know if Americans “want to be as connected to our foreign policy as we are to our smartphones…Americans don’t care about the drone war because it is largely hidden from view.”
It didn’t happen overnight—Begley got shut out by Apple for five years before Metadata was finally allowed into the App Store. Apple rejected the app from its online store because it found Metadata’s content “excessively objectionable or crude,” raising eyebrows from tech writers and government-transparency activists. The app features no graphic content and simply shows on Google Maps the location of each strike.
Begley can now finally declare victory. After a total of 13 attempts by Begley, users can now finally get constant updates on America’s never-ending drone wars around the world.
As for me, I’ll stick to Candy Crush and ignore America’s crumbling global empire.

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