
Saturday 15 April 2017

UMNO Team B plan to counter UMNO Team A

UMNO team B need now to start consolidating their support and spend part of the cash they were hording to secure the UMNO members in the constituencies the UMNO team B are Member of Parliaments and State assembly men. Watch out for the Brutus as Team A would by right already have their Trojan horse in these UMNO divisions controlled by Team B.

Past expel UMNO leaders did not act quick enough to consolidate and secure their support in the very place they held sway and were state assembly men or Member or Parliaments. The Trojan horses from Team A will start making the bussing noises like bees and will try to undercut the team B support among UMNO members. Once the Trojan horses have done their job of turning the loyal supports of Team B into neutral or team A supporters , signal will be given to Team A to start the noises and process of expelling these Team B leaders from UMNO.
Make your supports realize that the UMNO of Team A without the support of Team B will not have a realistic chance of winning or retaining enough seats to be the dominant party in BN and head the next government if by luck BN wins enough seats.

With Team B supports consolidated and also secret talks underway with PH, Team B with block of committed members are in a position of strength to be the power brokers come nomination day as they can easily carry 2 sets of nomination papers and on conclusion of the secret talks with PH, can on nomination day submit the PH nomination forms and PH support letters to stand as a candidate.

The secret talks will be about seats that will be given to Team B which will be in a region of 30% to 40% of the Team B seats if the PH parties are willing to give these seats to Team B. Team B can stand as PKR or Amanah or Pribumi or Warisan and maybe DAP and all depends on the negotiations. This will check mate UMNO Team A and a swift fall of BN on nomination day will uncontested seats won by PH between 10 to 15 seats and a huge Blow to BN which they cannot recover in time. Pribumi win also win some 10 to 12 also uncontested seats as the candidates from UMNO who are secretive supporters of Pribumi will be carrying also 2 sets of nomination forms and support letters.

End of nomination day PH will have between 20 to 27 uncontested Parliament seats.
Best for Team B not to make noise or give cause for Team A to expel them and all meeting and negotiations should be conducted overseas using agents as not to arouse Team A suspicions.
Just act Goody Goody and find out who the Trojan horses from Team A are and have them quarantine and also make sure them know they are compromised already.

Team B need to start moving around their cash reserves around Team A will have ACA or SPRM raiding these safe houses which act as Team B banks.

Start reaching out to Pribumi - Mahathir and PKR - Anwar

Amanah will also spring some surprises on PAS come nomination days as a good 30% of PAS candidates will also be carry 2 sets of nomination forms and support letters and will only file Amanah nomination forms and not PAS nomination papers.

Malays are shy people and if they want to do a surprise, they will not talk openly but when times to do so, the actions will speak louder

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